Dear Client,
Earlier this year, we emailed you with important information regarding the introduction of Australia’s Director Identification Number (DIN) – a copy of this letter is attached.
We take this opportunity to remind you of the timeframe requirements for registering your DIN if you were an existing director prior to the 1st November 2021 (and have not already applied):

Most importantly, please be aware it is a criminal offence if you do not apply on time. Failure to do so carries significant penalties under the Corporations Act 2001:-

If you are unable to apply by the date required for your particular circumstances, you can complete an ‘Application for an extension of time to apply for a director ID’ via the link provided: https://www.abrs.gov.au/sites/default/files/2021-10/Application_for_an_extension_of_time_to_apply_for_a_director_ID.pdf
Under law any individual acting as a director of an Australian company must, for any company they act as a director for, provide their DIN to the company Secretary. The Secretary is further required to record this number in the company register. If you maintain your own company register we strongly recommend including DIN records within the register.
Source: Peter Bateman CA - Acuiti Accounting & Advisory: www.https://acuiti.accountants/